Friday, 15 March 2013

So What Now?

As many of you may have heard by now, after July 1st 2013 Google Reader will no longer be available for use. So what does that mean for you? If you are one of my followers on Google Friend Connect (GFC) or any other blog, you will no longer be able to see our posts in an organized list when you sign in, which pretty much makes GFC useless.
So what now? Here is a list of great ways to ensure that you can keep up with my posts:

Bloglovin' - Bloglovin' is very easy to sign up with and use, and there is also an option to import the blogs you already follow on Google Reader to your Bloglovin' account at the click of a button! This means that you don't have to waste time re-following all of the blogs from your Google Reader list! You may click the hyperlink, or you can follow using the button found on the right sidebar :).

Facebook - I am ALWAYS on Facebook and this is also a great way to view blog posts, and even some things that don't make it to the blog!

Twitter - I admit, I don't use my Twitter as much as I should, but with this problem arising I promise I will try hard to post on there as well.

E-mail - I added the option to follow my blog via email for anyone who would like the option, but personally I think it gets annoying after a while. You can find the sign up at the top of my right sidebar.

Peace & Love,

1 comment:

  1. Another option is which automatically imports your blogs from Google reader and keeps all your groupings together. It works very similar to Google reader, in case change is not your thing.
